Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween... a budding holiday

Happy Halloween!

So Venice doesn't really do Halloween. With Carnival and Befana (where a female witch goes to little children and gives them candy) the concept of party/drink/candy/dress up is covered. Some families are starting to do trick-or-treating here, but they go to candy stores instead of houses.

Matilde, the grand matron of the Scuola, had her extremely cute 9 and 5 year old grandchildren from London at the school the past two days. For some reason, they loved me, the little girl going as far as to hug me whenever I walked by and the boy chattering on about his favorite TV shows. I ask them at about 6:00 pm on Friday, "Are you doing somethign tonight for halloween?"

Their poor little jaws hit the ground, "Today's Halloween!?!?!?" Oops, maybe I was suppose to keep that one under wraps.

But it being so wet and rainy, there were no festive attire on my part- instead I just went to the same bar as normal and had a nice relaxing evening.

We did, however, have a house underwear party for one of the roommates design project. I didn't think everyone would be willing to pose in underwear for a poster, but shows I was wrong once again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol, why aren't THESE pictures posted?! ; )